Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Home Remedies for Stress

Stress is the body's reaction to a physical, emotional, social or mental condition imposed on the person. These changes, whether good or bad, produces tension or stress. There is no way to avoid stress completely, injuries, weddings, meetings, childbirth, deadlines, bills to pay, even going to a party is stressful.
It’s part of our daily life and is very hard to control, but there are situations in life that create an extraordinary amount of stress, things like overwork, death of family or friends, surgery etc. Which in turn can be damaging to our health leading to fatigue, headaches, backaches, muscle pain, stiff neck, loss of appetite, memory loss, low self esteem, lower sexual drive, changes in sleep patterns, shallow breathing. Adding all of these up, results in a potential chance of becoming ill with an even more severe condition, things like, high blood pressure, skin disorders, heart attacks, cancer and obesity.
Home Remedies for Stress We recommend
Mix 1 tsp. of valerian rhizome.
       1 tsp. of licorice root.
       1 tsp. of siberian ginseng root.
       1 tsp. of kava root.
Take one teaspoon every 3 or 4 hours.
Home Remedies for Stress #1: Take Ashwaganda This herb comes from India, improves mental and physical performance, relaxes brain waves and reduces stress, specially in people affected by overwork, anxiety, sexual debility and fatigue.
Home Remedies for Stress #2: Ginkgo biloba improves circulation and brain activity.
Home Remedies for Stress #3: Licorice protects against damaging effects of stress. Increases energy and reduces inflammation and boost the immune system.
Home Remedies for Stress #4: Using some or a combination of herbs we have mention above, will make you sleep better at night, this is very important to achieve. Not enough sleep is one of the first symptoms that most be dealt within order to fight stress.
Home Remedies for Stress #5: Jamaican dogwood is a strong pain reliever, sedative and antispasmodic. It’s very helpful for muscular back pain, asthma, menstrual pain, insomnia, toothaches, and nervous conditions.

Things we can do to avoid stress and better our lives
Home Remedies for Stress #6: Learn to relax, many times relaxing our body leads to relaxing of the mind.
Home Remedies for Stress #7: Do not eat or drink too much caffeine although it gives you stamina and vitality it also disturbs sleep patterns and makes you more nerves.
Home Remedies for Stress #8: When things are not going the way you want, don't "talk down on you" the way you talk to your self has a lot to do with the way you feel, things like "I'll never learn this,” "I can't do it" or "I hate this guy" are negative thinking and promotes stress, depression, and frustration.
Home Remedies for Stress #9: Take warm baths using essential oils. (Aromatherapy).
Home Remedies for Stress #10: Find a hobby, something you like to do and spend time for yourself.
Home Remedies for Stress #11: Take a weekend off, but don't stay home, drive to another town or to a quiet place.

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